국내외 학회와 관련된 다양한 소식을 전해드립니다.
Divulgation of ERPW2020, Lisbon, Portugal 2019-11-09 26301
Dear Sirs, Ladies
We are pleased to inform you that the European Radiation Protection 2020
(ERPW2020) will take place in Estoril Congress Centre (nearby Lisbon,
Portugal) on 28th September - 2nd October, 2020. ERPW2020 will be
organized by the Centre for Nuclear and Sciences and Technologies of IST
(the leading Portuguese University of Engineering, Science and
Technology) and APA (Portuguese Environment Agency, hosting the the
Portuguese regulatory authority) and the European research platforms.
More and extensive information will soon be available in
http://erpw2020-portugal.eu/ (site under construction).
We anticipate that ERPW2020 will be a major scientific event in
Radiation Protection during 2020, gathering hundreds of experts.
The important dates for the event are as follows:
• First Announcement: mid-October through mid-November 2019
• Second Announcement/Call for Papers: 15th January 2020
• Deadline for Abstracts Submission: 31st March 2020
• Notification of the Authors: 15th May 2020
• Deadline for early registration: 30th June 2020
• Final Programme: 31st July 2020
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of ERPW2020 we
invite you to attend and to contribute. A reduced registration fee will
apply to students.
Please mark these dates in your Agenda and plan to attend ! We look
forward to meeting you in Estoril during ERPW2020.
We will appreciate very much if you could disseminate this email within
the Korean Society of Radiological Protection webmail.
Thank you very much for your attention!
The ERPW2020 Organizing and Scientific Committees.
Pedro Vaz
ERPW2020 Chairperson
이전글 | PICMET 2020 Conference 논문초록 접수기한 연장 안내 |
다음글 | [멀티학회] JMIS 논문 모집 (2019년 12월호) |